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I Lost Weight and Managed Lupus with Carnivore at 64

Published on
July 11, 2024
I Lost Weight and Managed Lupus with Carnivore at 64
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For most of my life, I was a S.A.D. eater. You know the drill - always struggling to lose weight and keep it off. I used to joke, "If I had a nickel for every pound I've lost and regained, I'd be rich!" That was my reality for decades.

About 15 years ago, I finally "divorced" the S.A.D. and embraced a whole foods omnivore lifestyle. At first, it felt like a breath of fresh air - my energy perked up and those nagging digestive issues started to fade. But in 2015, life threw me a curveball: a diagnosis of Lupus and a couple other autoimmune diseases. It hit me like a ton of bricks, but it also sparked a revelation. These chronic diseases weren't just "genetic fate" - I had more control than I'd realized. With newfound determination, I set out to optimize my diet and lifestyle, ready to become the director of my own health story.

My health quest led me to "Paleo-like" eating - saying goodbye to grains but still keeping plenty of carbs like sweet potatoes. It was better, but something still wasn't quite right. Then, last July, after reading up on Keto and Carnivore, I decided to give the Ketovore/Carnivore approach a try. What a difference! My main goal? Getting my metabolic health in order and telling those achy joints to buzz off. And if I happen to lose some of this extra weight for good, well, that'd be pretty nice too. Of course, permanent fat loss would be a nice bonus in my "middle senior years"!

You know, switching to this way of eating wasn't too tough for me. These are the kinds of foods I loved growing up, before the 1980s when everyone started saying fat was the bad guy. The real challenge for me has been getting consistent with physical activity - that's where I'm focusing my efforts now. But even with that hurdle, I'm seeing some real progress after just a few months. My clothes are fitting looser, I've lost some inches, and the scale's moving in the right direction - a good chunk of that being fat loss. It's not just about the numbers though. I'm feeling better overall, and that's what really counts. I've still got room for improvement, especially on the exercise front, but I'm pretty darn pleased with how things are going so far!

GoCarnivore Community has been very helpful. The group coaching, meetings with doctors, and community support have played a big part in helping me maintain focus on my goals. The coaches' supportive, non-judgmental, and motivating style makes me glad I chose this community. Being able to gain knowledge and clarification from all the doctors and nutritionists who volunteer their expertise is a great asset. And the support of others going through some of the same potential issues makes the not-so-easy moments bearable.

As for sticking with the Carnivore lifestyle, well, I put that in the "never say never" category. I sure don't plan on going back to the S.A.D. or anything like it, but I also won't claim I'll never touch another vegetable or fruit for the rest of my days. What I do know is this: the longer I keep at this way of eating, and the more I fine-tune it to suit me, the more I realize just how good it is for me. It's become clear that this is something I want to stick with for the long haul. Every day, I'm more convinced that I'm on the right track for my health and well-being.

If you're thinking about starting the Carnivore diet, here's my advice: Gain a base of knowledge before diving in. View information from doctors who can allay concerns you might have. It also seems best to transition gradually to reduce any negative effects of switching. And finally - probably most importantly - choose to be part of a support community. The GoCarnivore community is a great place to start!