3 min read

I Survived Cancer, Then Thrived on Carnivore

Published on
July 21, 2024
I Survived Cancer, Then Thrived on Carnivore
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Life Before Carnivore

My main goal is health, then losing weight. As a breast cancer survivor, I've learned the importance of taking my health seriously. Throughout my life, I've tried various diets and fasting methods to control my weight, sugar, and carb cravings. I even spent $40 a month on Weight Watchers, with no results to show for it. My weight remained stubbornly at about 212 pounds. It was a constant struggle, and on top of that, I'd been on medication for depression and anxiety for at least 15 years.

Discovering Carnivore

Finally, about six years ago, at age 60, I had enough and wanted to regain my health back! I bought the book "Wheat Belly" and became convinced that gluten was a big problem for me. This realization started me on a journey towards real health.

Shortly after, my sister, a retired dietician, told me about the Carnivore diet. I began following Dr. Berry and many others on YouTube to learn more. At first, I was hesitant to try it as it sounded too extreme, but the more I followed a carnivore diet, the better I felt.

Joining GoCarnivore

In March, I joined GoCarnivore to do the 90-day challenge. Best decision ever! Before that, I had been playing around with the carnivore diet and managed to lose about 10 pounds on my own, but I couldn't break through the 200-pound wall. When I officially joined for 90 days, I finally broke through that wall and started feeling so good! I'm down about seven pounds now and know I will continue to lose weight.

Encouraged by my progress, I told my psychiatrist that I wanted to try weaning off my meds. I gave her Dr. Chris Palmer's info, and she immediately started looking him up online while I was there! She was very enthusiastic. My meds are now at half what they were, and I feel certain I'll be able to go completely off.

Challenges and Adjustments

While Carnivore has transformed my health and reduced the number of pills I'm taking, it has some minor challenges. Eating out with friends can be tricky, but I don't do it often. I've also had to adjust to drinking black coffee. Cream and half-and-half can trigger my carb cravings, so I'm very careful with them. I do still use some half-and-half as a treat in decaf coffee in the evening, but I'm cautious because not having cravings feels so darn good!

Community Support

The GoCarnivore community is great! Although I'm quite busy and can't always join live meetings, I'm thankful that they're recorded and can be watched later. Through them, I've discovered other wonderful Carnivore doctors.

Modern Diet

Looking back, I can't help but notice how much our food landscape has changed. I grew up in the 1960s, and it was rare to see an obese person, but now it's rare to see a slim person! I notice it all the time, and I'm convinced there's something wrong with our modern processed food.

Carnivore For Life

This is my way of eating for the rest of my life. The Carnivore diet has not only helped me lose weight but has also improved my overall health and well-being. I'm excited to continue this journey and see where it takes me.


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